WayV Lucas‘ largest Chinese fansite, LUCAS CNFC (Chinese Fanclub) has since resigned as a whole. They announced that all of their admin team have collectively resigned.
Resignation Announcement: Hello everyone,
LUCASCNFC’s admin team has since resigned as a whole, as of today. If anyone wishes to take over, you may drop us a private message. Regarding the birthday support from prior, collection of funds has already closed and we will also be refunding all the funds to everyone within 48 hours, so please take note and check. Lastly, we wish everyone all the best. — LUCAS CNFC

The resignation comes after various scandals regarding Lucas broke out. The first was allegations made against him by a Korean fan who claimed to have dated him. The next was allegations made against him by a Chinese fan who also claimed to have dated him.
Read the full translations of the latest allegations below.